Bones, a significant part of the body, make structures, protect organs, make strong muscles and stores calcium. Puberty age is best to build strong bones due to more secretion of human growth hormone that are responsible for growth and development among children. HGH therapy for men is beneficial to overcome the deficiency of human growth hormone among them and regulate body functions associated with it.
Importance of maintaining bone health:
Bones keep on changing gradually as new bones replace old bones. In young age, new bone making period is faster than breaking down of old ones, as a result, your bone mass increases. Bone mass peaks normally at the age of thirty. After crossing this age, bones start to lose more mass and risk of osteoporosis increases. It also occurs due to decline in hormone levels including HGH and testosterone. Low hormone levels result in many problems. Low t symptoms include weak muscles, low bone density, lack of sleep and osteoporosis.
Factors affecting bone health:
Various factors are there that affect bone health. For more details visit connectedcongress.org but here is some description.
Low calcium diet:
Low calcium diet affects bones strength and bone density decreases that results an early bone loss and risk of fractures.
Physical activity:
Physical activity is quite important for good bone health. It reduces the risk of osteoporosis and makes them stronger.
More use of Tobacco and alcohol:
Research shows that use of tobacco and alcohol leads to weak bones and increases the risk of osteoporosis. The reason behind alcohol consumption is its ability to absorb calcium that make bones weak.
Being a woman:
Women have more chances of bone problems because of less bone tissue in women than men. Age is the main factor in making weak bones as bones get weaker and thinner with age.
Race, family history and physique:
Race, family size and family history also have a great impact on risk of osteoporosis. Physique and body mass also matters. Lean body mass have more chances of weak bones.
Hormone levels:
Imbalance of hormone levels is another cause of bone loss. Bone loss increases on decline of estrogen levels that mostly occur due to menopause. In men, low testosterone levels cause loss of bone mass.
Use of certain medications:
Long-term use of some medications like cortisone and dexamethasone result in weak bones. More use of Aromatase to treat breast cancer, methotrexate and some other medications also results in weak bones.
Ways to keep them healthy:
Some of the ways to make bones healthy are as under
- Take calcium enriched diet such as dairy products, almonds, broccoli, canned salmon and sardines. You can also take calcium supplements after doctor's advice.
- Vitamin D is of much significance for bones. Sunlight is direct source of it. Other sources are oily fish, such as tuna and sardines, egg yolks, prepared milk, and vitamin D supplements.
- Weight lifting exercises are quite beneficial in making strong bones and prevent bone loss. Walking, running, tennis and hiking are among the valuable exercises.
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Use bone empowering medications to make them stronger and healthier.
Strong bones and good health make you capable of enjoying a superior life style. Intake of calcium-enriched diet along with physical exercises has an important role in staying your bones healthy. Calcium and vitamin D supplements also play their role to balance its levels for smooth body functioning.
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